Results, Not Excuses
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Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Tiernan Concedes Primary Race
Wished Christine Drazan well in heading into the general election
This afternoon, leading Oregon Governor’s candidate Bob Tiernan conceded the Republican primary race to Christine Drazan. Tiernan acknowledged she was the winner and wished her well heading into the general election.
“I wished Christine good luck in her campaign to lead Oregon in a new direction by quickly addressing our out-of-control crime problems, homeless camps on the streets, failing schools, and other problems that need to be fixed to unify all Oregonians no matter where they live in the state.”
Tiernan announced his campaign for governor in the GOP primary on February 14th and ran a very competitive race.
“With so many good candidates on the ballot for voters to choose from it was a very tough race,” said Tiernan. “In the end, it was very close with the vote difference being less than 5%. Even with the number of estimated ballots still outstanding, I don’t think the numbers will come up enough to make a difference.”
A Serious Leader For Serious Times
United States Navy Commander, Retired
Intelligence Officer, Soviet Military Analyst: Special Targeting Officer
Successful Businessman
President and Chief Operating Officer, Grocery Outlet
Founder & Board Member of the New Payless Drug Stores
Assistant to CEO & President of Raley’s Stores
Counsel to large Oregon employers including Federal Government, specializing in labor work force and personnel management
Tiernan & Associates (Current)
Consultant specializing in personnel relations, optimizing profits and operational efficiencies, mergers and acquisitions, legal and regulatory compliance
Oregon Legislature
Member of Oregon House of Representatives, two terms 92-97
Successful legislator: Co-sponsor Measure 11 Mandatory Sentencing
Past Chairman Oregon Republican Party
Successful in fundraising and candidate recruitment
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Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Tiernan Concedes Primary Race
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